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Tuesday Trail Talks

Tuesday Trail Talks: “Glimpses from within (23 Years Later)”

août 13, 2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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A look back at 30 years along the Northville- Placid Trail through the eyes of Long Laker Matt Burnett. From his childhood in Long Lake to adventures as a DEC Assistant Forest Ranger patrolling along the Cold River, the NPT serves as the backdrop for his work as an Adirondack Artist, Environmental Steward, and outdoor enthusiast. Stories and pictures touching on the history, evolution, and generations living and experiencing life along Long Lake and the Cold River, from early college years to recent youth trips with the Northern Forest Explorers.

About the Speaker: 

Matt Burnett earned his Master of Fine Arts from the Maine College of Art and his Bachelor of Arts from SUNY Plattsburgh. His paintings, installations, and other programming are a direct product of his rural Northern New York upbringing. He infuses nature and conservation into all of his creative pursuits, which has earned him international acclaim. In addition to his 20-year professorship at SUNY Canton, Matt is a Fellow at the Munich University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria. He is best-known locally for immersive experiences in and about the Adirondacks, including years of guided youth paddle trips along the Raquette River Corridor and through the Western High Peaks. Matt lives in Saranac Lake with his wife, Amy.
