
Where can your mind take you while the coronavirus keeps you home?

Each Monday we’ll post a new writing prompt to inspire your creative writing! We can’t wait to read your responses (3-5 sentences, please). We’ll share our favorites on social media using #ADKXpositions.

Check back here weekly to see what’s new.

How would you describe the sound of a loon’s call to someone who has never heard it before? Do you find their calls comforting or creepy?

Arto Monaco designed toys and games in his studio in Upper Jay, N.Y. What is your favorite game to play with your family? Does your family have any special “house rules” that you use when playing the game?

It’s easy to understand why some Adirondack lakes have certain names—Lake Clear and Mirror Lake, for example, were named for their physical characteristics. If you found a new lake or pond, what would you name it and why?

People have come to the Adirondacks by train, boat, station wagon, and even bicycle. If you were to go on vacation right now, how would you travel and where would you go?

One of the museum’s newest acquisitions is called “Smart Birds,” and is a carving of a raven made from a single piece of black walnut. If you were to make an animal sculpture, what animal would you pick and what would you name your artwork? What would it be made of? Can you send a picture of what it would look like?

During World War II, letters were a lifeline for soldiers facing homesickness, boredom, and the stress of combat. Families and friends were urged to write about everyday happenings at home— social gatherings, the weather, neighborhood gossip. Imagine you were writing to someone serving in WWII. What would you share about your day? Would you tell the soldier about being out of school because of coronavirus? Or share some fun that you are having playing games or getting out on a boat?

In the Rabbits’ Village School, the rabbits learn math, sewing, and music. If you were in school right now, what would you be learning? Describe your favorite class and why you like it.

The guideboat is a distinctly Adirondack boat. It is sturdy and light, perfect for hauling supplies, and easy to carry overland. If you were to design your own boat, what would it look like? If you want, include a picture in your description!

Noah John Rondeau, one of the Adirondacks’ most famous hermits, frequently hosted guests even though he lived largely in isolation. Who would you want to come to your house now, and what would you do together during the visit?

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