Episode 13: Spotlight on North Star Underground Railroad Museum

The story of the Adirondacks is as vast and varied as the land itself; the Adirondack Experience is just one of many places that seek to tell that story.  ADKX-tra Credit is shining a spotlight on neighboring cultural institutions.

Todays’ podcast takes you to the North Star Underground Railroad Museum located in the town of Ausable Chasm, New York. Here, the stories of fugitives from slavery who passed through northeastern New York and the Champlain Valley on their way to Canada are preserved.

Header Image: Underground Railroad stop located in Keeseville, NY, c. 1973 (P039997)

Connecting To Curriculum

Read-aloud. Students can follow along while listening. Download a copy of the transcripts coming soon.

Vocabulary. Explore new words. Students will be listening to high-level vocabulary in context. Have them identify the definition. Click here for the vocabulary page.

Reading. Share The Strong and the Extraordinary, created by a fourth grade class, with your class.

Black History in the US. Introduce students to freedom seekers and abolitionists with ties to the Northeast and Upstate New York. Copy our ChoiceBoard and insert your own links.

Geography. Study the land through which the freedom seekers would travel to reach Canada. Click here to view map.


Higher grade level students may want to explore some topics in more depth.

  1. Explore our ADKX-Inquiries. Inquiries are a toolbox of images, videos, and question prompts designed to inspire conversations around diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.
  2. The North Star Underground Railroad Museum exhibits go beyond our traditional understanding of the underground railroad in the US. The route was also used by people entering the country in defiance of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Explore the implications of freedom seekers entering the US.